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CUI@CHI: Mapping Grand Challenges for the Conversational User Interface Community

Workshop at the CHI 2020 conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Virtual).
May 29th 2020

Call for Papers

Submissions should be sent to:

Participants are invited to contribute to the discourse on CUI grand challenges. We will invite researchers and industry practitioners to share their experiences, methods, designs, case studies, approaches, or theories as relevant to various aspects of CUI research and design. We are interested in attracting a broad range of perspectives, with the aim to create a space that is inclusive of the diverse research directions that are relevant to CUIs, with topics including but not limited to:

  • Approaches, methods, theories and techniques applied in CUI research
  • The role of voice and language in CUI design and interaction
  • Personalisation, grounding and topcis related to conversation flow
  • Domain-specific CUI challenges e.g. automotive, healthcare
  • Multimodality / multiparty challenges
  • Accessibility and inclusion e.g. underrepresented or marginalized users
  • Ethics, privacy, explainability, trust and transparency
Position papers should be between 3 to 6 pages (including references) in the CHI Extended Abstract format and submitted by February 11th. The submission should describe authors’ work related to the workshop goals and also their interest to participate. Presenters will be selected based not only on the quality and novelty of the work but also on aiming to bring a diverse and representative set of presenters which can foster a multi-faceted view of the research and challenges in the field. Papers should be submitted to


February 11th 2020: Position paper deadline

February 28 2020: Notifiction of acceptance

April 25th, 2020: Workshop Day